Thursday, December 29, 2011

I was a blogging fail

Hopefully that will change now that I can update via mobile. I resisted this phone (such a waste of money, I am a free phone girl all the way, lol) but I have to admit, I like it and am glad the hubby insisted.

So a whole season has gone by without any updates! Honestly, I don't worry too much about updating this sometimes, my friends get frequent FB updates, and the family that wants to know what's going on with Rocket asks. Sadly, it is not very many of them!

To catch up anyone who is out of the loop and interested, though ... We had a couple IEP meetings this summer/fall. They were interesting. The distinct tried to be a bit shady but changed their tune once they saw we were informed and weren't simply going to smile and nod and sign whatever they handed me. So, Rocket is now receiving 25 hours a week of ABA, still at the same location. 8 hours a week of preschool-2 hours a day, Tuesday-Friday. Preschool has done wonders for him. It's amazing.

We're still having a lot of meltdowns and aggression and are seeing some stims return. His prek schedule was off for a while, and he has had changes at center too (ABA) with his tutors and consultants and holidays. He is just ... "off" lately.

We have random screaming now, which is super fun. Oh, and in case you were wondering, he most definitely does NOT want to wear undies ; ) Monkey Baby will be 2 next month ... I imagine I wi have 2 in diapers for a while now.

There's also lots of stress at home that I am sure he picks up on. Layoff fairy visited again, in plenty of time before Christmas. This came after a series of car and plumbing and general financial issues ... So just awesome timing. We try to shield them as much as possible, but kids are amazingly perceptive.

Overall though, the progress he keeps making is amazing. He astounds me every day.