Thursday, December 29, 2011

I was a blogging fail

Hopefully that will change now that I can update via mobile. I resisted this phone (such a waste of money, I am a free phone girl all the way, lol) but I have to admit, I like it and am glad the hubby insisted.

So a whole season has gone by without any updates! Honestly, I don't worry too much about updating this sometimes, my friends get frequent FB updates, and the family that wants to know what's going on with Rocket asks. Sadly, it is not very many of them!

To catch up anyone who is out of the loop and interested, though ... We had a couple IEP meetings this summer/fall. They were interesting. The distinct tried to be a bit shady but changed their tune once they saw we were informed and weren't simply going to smile and nod and sign whatever they handed me. So, Rocket is now receiving 25 hours a week of ABA, still at the same location. 8 hours a week of preschool-2 hours a day, Tuesday-Friday. Preschool has done wonders for him. It's amazing.

We're still having a lot of meltdowns and aggression and are seeing some stims return. His prek schedule was off for a while, and he has had changes at center too (ABA) with his tutors and consultants and holidays. He is just ... "off" lately.

We have random screaming now, which is super fun. Oh, and in case you were wondering, he most definitely does NOT want to wear undies ; ) Monkey Baby will be 2 next month ... I imagine I wi have 2 in diapers for a while now.

There's also lots of stress at home that I am sure he picks up on. Layoff fairy visited again, in plenty of time before Christmas. This came after a series of car and plumbing and general financial issues ... So just awesome timing. We try to shield them as much as possible, but kids are amazingly perceptive.

Overall though, the progress he keeps making is amazing. He astounds me every day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Someone's got a case of the Monday's!

Why does it seem like I only update on Monday's? Hmmm ....maybe it's because after a weekend of no sleep and barely sitting down, I don't want to move and this is one day I actually will sit on my ass for a few to write, and ignore the mess for a few minutes. Those Sponge Bob candies don't look like they're going anywhere, so the vacuuming can be put off for a few. ; )

So, lots of stuff going on with Rocket. He's made a lot of progress this last month or so, since I blogged last. He is labeling like crazy, and making some spontaneous requests. Most still have to be prompted, but it's still tons of progress! He's using a LOT of words now, but we're in The Land of Echolalia these days. ; ) 99% of his speech is echolalia-for those who don't know all the jargon, lol, it means to repeat back what you hear. Sometimes right away, sometimes it's delayed. So for example, I say "how was your day?" he says "how was your day?" back to me, instead of actually answering the questions. About the only time we get an actual answer is after school when I ask him what color gummy bear he wants for getting into the car. ; ) (Btw, it is always orange. "Orange gumma bear!" and then green, white, and red, lol.)

He's also had some regressions, behavior wise. It might just be the combination of Monkey Baby getting bigger and wanting to play with him more, and us having family visit recently. Not sure. All I know is the meltdowns and tantrums have returned, big time. He's becoming pretty agressive with his brother, who is in turn becoming agressive with him. :( I feel like I'm playing ref most nights, and spend my evenings trying to juggle cooking, cleaning, keeping them apart, bedtimes ...there is a reason why my handle is Mama Needs a Mocha, lol ...Mama never sleeps!

Some good news-he was "teamed" this morning, and is going to continue to be eligible for Regional Center services/funding once he turns 3. That is a BIG relief. They will pay up to 25 hours a week maybe this will give us more leverage with the school district in August, when it comes time for his first IEP. Which I am dreading, by the way!

He is loving the pool, after we figured out why he hated his "swimming jacket" so much. Leave a shirt on, and he's fine. ; ) At first he would only "swim with mommy" but now he's more open to "swim with papa" or one of his sisters.

Well, the candy is calling me to be cleaned up ...I can only ignore it for so long, lol.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poor Rocket

He's had a rough time lately. Poor guy has been sick, nothing major but he runs these crazy high fevers when he's sick, mainly at night. And of course there is the random vomitting trick he likes to break out for us from time to time. ; ) I'm actually getting pretty good about sensing it, believe it or not vomit senses are tingling! and managed to make it to him with the PB (designated bowl, lol) or a towel for all but one time. Ew, sorry ...just realized how gross that paragraph is. It's just our life, I guess I assume if you're reading this then you kinda know how it goes around here anyway. ; )

But these fevers, they scare the shit out of me. Call me crazy, but I really do wonder about a possible connection to his fevers and his Autism. Not that they caused it, or anything ...but I do think there is some sort of link or connection going on there. None of the other kids run fevers like this, outside of the 2 times we had the flu. So two times in over a decade, and for him it's 5-6 times a year.

One of his tutors at school left last week. : ( She was great, and we miss her. It's so sad, good but sad too ...Rocket has been saying "sup Ta-ta" which is him saying "What's up, Tara?" We practice names often and he keeps asking for her. I know it will take him a while to get used to her being gone. The worst part is, we don't know who is replacing her yet ...he had a new tutor lined up but she quit like 4 days into it. I guess it's better to have her leave then to stay and not totally be into it, but still. Damn. Everyone there is amazing though and I know he's in good hands in the meantime, but it would be good for him to have the stability of having a regular M/W/F afternoon tutor.

So, on to some more positive stuff. "Mama" is back!!! I don't know if I mentioned this in the last update, it's pretty new still, but he's saying "mama" again. YAY!!!!!!!!! And "Papa" is back to "Papa" and not "Pom" lol. He calls both of his sisters "Izzie" and the other day he called C "Big Izzie" and also said "Izzie's my sisters." So cool!!!!!! He recognized the shirt Monkey Baby was wearing yesterday as one they both have, and vocalized that he wanted to wear his, too.

We got him a tricycle, he can actually ride one now!! He's getting used to his "swimming jacket" again his life vest ...and is starting to tolerate it more. He LOVES the pool.

He got approved for SSI. It was kind of bittersweet. Sad that he's officially disabled, I don't know why it stings, but it just does. It's not much money at all, we knew it wouldn't be will cover 2 weeks of gas, maybe?? It's better than nothing, though.

I talked to someone at L's school about their programs for kids with Autism. Sounds like we're going to have one hell of a fight this summer at his first IEP. Just want we wanted, right? I don't know why they make it so damn hard for these kids to get the help they need. I mean the progress he's made in just over 2 months of ABA is astounding. I know it doesn't work for every kid with an ASD, but the ones it does? Why not let them continue until they're ready for kinder?

Well, Monkey Baby needs me that "Big Izzie" is out of school for the summer, I will be updating this once a week though!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hurray for ABA!

It's been a while, I know. I think I had lofty ambitions in my hopes of updating this weekly. Life with a child with ASD alone keeps you busy, add in 3 other kids and I'm surprised sometimes that I manage to shower daily! ; )

So this will be a fairly long update, Monkey Baby is sleeping, Rocket is enjoying his new "ABC show!" and the big kids are cleaning their pit, I mean room. Hopefully I can get this all typed up before someone needs me again.

Rocket started ABA about 6 weeks ago. March 7th was his first day. I was a bit worried about how things would go with his service coordinator okay'ing the minimum amount of hours we were going to accept ; ), if you remember, she'd been fairly vague about anything above 20 hours a week and 20 hours doesn't even meet the minimum for a proven, effective program. Anyway, our worries were thankfully unfounded, we got 30 to start and after a month she agreed to 3.5 more hours a month and we're likely going to request an extra hour a day, which means he'll be getting 38.5 hours a week of ABA and an hour of speech. He can only have 40 hours total and with driving distance from school to speech we're not going to get any more than 38.5.

I can not believe the changes we have seen already. The first week it was like someone flipped a switch in him. He slept ...omg he was asleep by 9 at night, even without melatonin, even with him sleeping in the car on the way home. He's started to play with the baby. His eye contact is SO much better. He points!!!!!!!! That is so incredibly huge! He can point to what he wants. The tantrums have decreased to a minute or two of crying, max. The last week and a half he's been saying new words daily. Even names! He says "mama" again. He's started to wave hello and goodbye. And he's not just imitating, he does know what the words he's saying mean! It's incredible. He can use PECS! He paints. He imitates his peers. He's no longer afraid of the playground.

He has a fabulous team at "school." Just amazing. He has 4 tutors, a lead tutor who oversees his lessons, a behavior consultant, and a supervisor. Everyone there just loves him and they are all wonderful. It's an amazing place. Every time I drop him off or pick him up I just want to hug them all, lol! He is so happy to be there. He is happy at home. I feel like we're getting back a part of our son I was afraid was gone forever.

Don't get me wrong. We still have days that leave me in tears. But they're not every day. Most days are a joy now. A long, tiring joy ; ) but a joy nonetheless.

Oh, and did I mention he has STOPPED LINING???????? Omg, no more obsessive lining all across the floor, screaming and pushing the baby away if he gets near them. His new stim is ABC's, lol. He sings them, he watches shows with the alphabet, he writes them, he has us write them. I am sure stim's at all aren't great but we can work with this one. We can sing the ABC's to him and he'll endure tooth brushing, hair cuts, doing his hair in the morning. We totally love the ABC's here. ; )

He got his dental work done finally. His dentist was awesome and told us it was obvious we did everything we could with his teeth. Luckily he had experience with kids with ASD and their sensory issues and didn't give us the "you're horrible parents, why does your 2 year old have cavities?" look. I got a letter from his dental insurance today saying they denied covering the hospital use and one of the fillings so we'll likely get a fat bill on top of what we already paid.

Well, that went quicker than I thought, lol! We're still waiting on SSI approval or denial, hoping of course that he gets approved. Even though Alta Regional so far covers the cost of his school, we're still bleeding money to get him too and from school. It's so worth it, but I worry about keeping it up. Work is slow, sometimes nonexistent here.

I have so much more hope than I had when he was diagnosed. So much more than a month or two ago, even. Now we have to gear ourselves up for his first IEP this summer ...our school district doesn't like to have kids in programs other than their own :( so it's going to be a fight to keep him there, I'm afraid.

I will try to update this more often!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Parent Training round 1

We had our first Parent Training class last night. It didn't start off on a great note. Our service coordinator is the one who set up the class-they're always the ones who handle contacting the vendors, payment, etc. So we picked our class and time and all that, and I also asked her to see if it was okay to bring Monkey Baby, as he's under 1, still nursing, and won't take a bottle or a binky and barely eats food (to the point where he's now anemic, just found out today ...yay us!) ...she checked and we were given the okay.

We get to class, we're the first ones there. Instructor comes in, and says hi can tell something is up. Then she says "um, normally children aren't allowed in class. Obviously, I'm not going to kick you out, but ...." I apologized and said we were told it was okay by our SC. I'm embarrassed now, and stressing on every little sound he makes. So hubby decides he'll just wait in the car with him. I don't want him to miss the whole class and it's just basic ABA stuff which I've had enough time to read up on anyway, so during the break in the middle of the 3 hour class, we switch off. So we each got to hear half of the first class.

So, for the next 3 weeks, guess we're going to have to leave him so we can both go. Which kinda sucks, because I am sure he's going to cry quite a bit. He's at that age where everyone but people he has daily contact with are strangers, and he cries whenever they come near him. And there is the whole food issue ...the fact that we'll be gone at least 4 hours and he's still 90% nursing. I figure either way is going to be stressful though, either us splitting classes, or us both going and worrying about him.

Had a phone appointment for SSI for Rocket today. I will get some info via mail in about a week, and I have to send in a release for his medical records and all that, and then we wait. I know the likelihood of him just getting approved is pretty slim, but I can hope, right?

That's about it for today!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's been a crazy couple of weeks

I apologize for not posting weekly as I planned on. Life has thrown us a few curve balls in the last few weeks. The biggest one being, The Hubby was laid off. Again. For the 3rd time in 3 years. At least it was on the 23rd of December this time, and not actual Christmas Eve like last year, I suppose! But jeez, what a way to ruin 2 Christmas's in a row! It was extremely stressful last time, the whole "omg we just bought our first home 2 months ago and our 4th baby is due in a month omgomgomg what are we going to do????" stress was way up there. Now we have the "omg we have no savings because of the last two layoffs, last two kids, and now one of our children has been diagnosed with Autism and NOT having gas money to take him to and from therapy is kind of NOT an option." stress, along with all of the usual stress that comes from dropping from being a one income family to a NO income family, at least for the time being.

So yeah ...I have no money but an abundance of stress! : ) Too bad it's not worth anything, well until someone finds a way to like extract the essence of stress and bottle it for freaks who are into that sort of thing. ; )

On to better news. Rocket has made some really cool progress!! He says mom!! And baby!! And connects them to me, and to Monkey Baby and even pictures of other babies, and a doll. He is pointing to things to show what he wants-not every time but each time is amazing! He is learning to recognize letters and can say (sometimes a slightly different version of) A, B, C, D, E, J, O (ooohh), Z (zzzz sound). He says gum, and knows what it means. Kid loves gum, lol! I swear the other night while he was pushing a car, he said GO, and then SPELLED GO, and then said it again! He also said beep beep beep perfectly clear. His eye contact is improving. I mean don't get me wrong, we still have really lousy days that leave me in tears, too. But we have more good days than bad right now.

We also start our parent training tomorrow! Every Thursday this month. I'm not thrilled that we have to complete them before Alta will provide ABA for him, simply because it would have been much better IMO to get a new program going as soon as he was officially diagnosed, but I'm actually really looking forward to learning as much as I can to better help Rocket ...all of us really.

We're doing a tour next week of a school we think we will end up using for his ABA program. They seem pretty awesome and it's not terribly far from here, but I'm guessing it's going to be a tank of gas a week to get him there and back every day. Which means our whole typical monthly gas budget will all be going to me. Yay, more stress! If only I could feed on it instead of food ; ) then it might not matter that I have no time to exercise these days. ; )

Sleep issues have sucked lately. Melatonin isn't doing a damn thing for him. It never helped Hubby either, I wonder if it's connected somehow?

Still trucking along with our weekly speech sessions. They were going amazing for a while, and then it was time to step up expectations a bit, and Rocket wasn't too happy about that. He doesn't want to imitate sounds to get his block, damn it! ; )

Christmas was interesting this year, gift wise. Rocket has taken over everything Monkey Baby got, pretty much. I guess they are developmentally more appropriate for him? He got a set of alphabet blocks that get daily use and he's digging this 3 car race track thingie he got, too. Cars and blocks are always a hit. ; ) Monkey Baby turns one in a few weeks, so I might try to get him a duplicate of the one thing they both seem to covet and Rocket refuses to give up, this pony . He even pushed it down the driveway before getting in the birthmobile yesterday's a fave for sure.

Well, surprisingly, I actually got to say most of what I wanted to! I've been trying to update all week with no success ...either screaming boys, or the baby shutting down the computer every time I got a paragraph or so in. ; ) I'll update on the 1st parent training session asap.