Monday, June 27, 2011

Someone's got a case of the Monday's!

Why does it seem like I only update on Monday's? Hmmm ....maybe it's because after a weekend of no sleep and barely sitting down, I don't want to move and this is one day I actually will sit on my ass for a few to write, and ignore the mess for a few minutes. Those Sponge Bob candies don't look like they're going anywhere, so the vacuuming can be put off for a few. ; )

So, lots of stuff going on with Rocket. He's made a lot of progress this last month or so, since I blogged last. He is labeling like crazy, and making some spontaneous requests. Most still have to be prompted, but it's still tons of progress! He's using a LOT of words now, but we're in The Land of Echolalia these days. ; ) 99% of his speech is echolalia-for those who don't know all the jargon, lol, it means to repeat back what you hear. Sometimes right away, sometimes it's delayed. So for example, I say "how was your day?" he says "how was your day?" back to me, instead of actually answering the questions. About the only time we get an actual answer is after school when I ask him what color gummy bear he wants for getting into the car. ; ) (Btw, it is always orange. "Orange gumma bear!" and then green, white, and red, lol.)

He's also had some regressions, behavior wise. It might just be the combination of Monkey Baby getting bigger and wanting to play with him more, and us having family visit recently. Not sure. All I know is the meltdowns and tantrums have returned, big time. He's becoming pretty agressive with his brother, who is in turn becoming agressive with him. :( I feel like I'm playing ref most nights, and spend my evenings trying to juggle cooking, cleaning, keeping them apart, bedtimes ...there is a reason why my handle is Mama Needs a Mocha, lol ...Mama never sleeps!

Some good news-he was "teamed" this morning, and is going to continue to be eligible for Regional Center services/funding once he turns 3. That is a BIG relief. They will pay up to 25 hours a week maybe this will give us more leverage with the school district in August, when it comes time for his first IEP. Which I am dreading, by the way!

He is loving the pool, after we figured out why he hated his "swimming jacket" so much. Leave a shirt on, and he's fine. ; ) At first he would only "swim with mommy" but now he's more open to "swim with papa" or one of his sisters.

Well, the candy is calling me to be cleaned up ...I can only ignore it for so long, lol.

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